Black Orchid

Idioma English

Publicado el 23 de julio de 2013

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3 estrellas (2 reseñas)

Black Orchid is an American comic book written by Neil Gaiman with art by Dave McKean. It was published by DC Comics as a three-issue limited series from December 1988 to February 1989, and was later reprinted in trade paperback form. Black Orchid follows two girls, Flora and Suzy, who awaken in a greenhouse. Their journey to find out who they are leads them into contact with DC Universe figures like Batman and Swamp Thing, but also into conflict with criminal mastermind Lex Luthor, who seeks them for his own interests. Gaiman and McKean developed the series after meeting with Jenette Kahn, Dick Giordano, and Karen Berger in early 1987. The two pitched several ideas for series, but were ultimately assigned Black Orchid because all other characters they wanted to work on were in use at the time. They produced the series' concept within two days and won approval from …

2 ediciones

Orquídea Negra

3 estrellas

Un 10 en el apartado artístico, pero narrativamente me ha sabido a poco. Entiendo que la idea fue precisamente hacer algo al margen de los cánones típicos del cómic, con un final abierto y tal, pero el repaso de malos de Arkham y el viaje al Amazonas me han parecido que pueden estar mejor contados. Es que los malos llegan a la selva y encuentran a las orquídeas preguntando, no me jodas…