The Sentinel

mass market paperback, 304 páginas

Idioma English

Publicado el 1 de enero de 2004 por I Books.

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4 estrellas (1 reseña)

From the Introduction...

Today's readers are indeed fortunate; this really is the Golden Age of science fiction. There are dozens of authors at work today who can match all but the giants of the past. (And probably one who can do even that, despite the handicap of being translated from Polish. . . ) Yet I do not really envy the young men and women who first encounter science fiction as the days shorten towards 1984, for we old-timers were able to accomplish something that was unique.

Ours was the last generation that was able to read everything. No one will ever do that again.

Of course, it may well be argued that no one should want to do so, in deference to Theodore Sturgeon's much-quoted Law: "Ninety percent of everything is crud." It is—to say the least—a sobering thought that this might apply even to my writing.

I can …

10 ediciones

Kurzgeschichten von Arthur C. Clarke

4 estrellas

In dieser Sammlung von Science-Fiction-Kurzgeschichten findet man eine wilde Ansammlung aller möglichen Geschichten, unter anderem auch die namensgebende "The Sentinel", die in etwa so ist, wie in 2001: A Space Oddesey der Monolith (hier Pyramide) gefunden wird. Meine Lieblingsgeschichte ist aber "Guardian Angel" mit der gottgleichen Übermacht der Aliens.


  • Science fiction
  • Science Fiction - High Tech
  • Fiction - Science Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Science Fiction - Short Stories
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
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